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Elevate Your Space with Affordable Elegance: Machine-Made Rugs Unveiled

Nothing can replace a hand-knotted rugs that offers wide range of intricate and unique designs, exceptional quality and durability, highly detailed patterns, variety of colors, that makes each rug a work of art. However, if you're looking for an affordable luxury rug to withstand high traffic, easy to maintain and a quick decorating solution with fair durability, a machine made rug would be a perfect choice.

It is no secret that machine made rugs are mass produced on power driven looms using automation in considerably little time compared to handmade pieces - that could sometimes take up to a year to be made. Also, the machine made rugs are less durable since the construction method involves fair quality materials which may not last as long to their counter parts hand-knotted rugs where the knots are tightly tied and high quality materials are typically used which makes them highly durable for generations to come with proper care.

Further, the texture, smoothness and feel of machine made rugs is often consistent and smoother due to the mechanized weaving process. Since, they are made with materials such as nylon and polyester which may result in a less natural or luxurious feel to their counter part. Hand-knotted rugs are often softer and warmer underfoot since they are made with materials such as Wool or Silk, which provide a luxurious feel and inviting texture.

While this probably makes machine made rugs less unique than such handmade artworks, it makes them more affordable and handy at the same time. The choice between the two depends on your preferences, the intended use of the rug, and your budget. If you value a luxurious and unique texture, hand-knotted rugs may be the preferred choice, while machine-made rugs can offer a consistent and budget-friendly option with a smoother texture.

Holding that close to our hearts, we have gathered together a diverse collection of Machine Made Rugs to significantly supersize our customers' options.

You will love to enjoy an immense variety of colors and designs that will perfectly fit any contemporary or modern interior.

Our new collection was handpicked from the most prominent Persian rug producers, whose emphasis on quality and durability is undying. We offer free delivery within Germany and in most of the European countries plus 30 (Thirty) days of money back guarantee empowers you freedom to try the product without any worry. You may also visit our physical store in Hamburg to explore the collection in person. We would love to serve and help you with any questions you have.


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